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Learn to ride a hoverboard

Learn to ride a hoverboard

You want to learn how to ride a hoverboard but don't know how to start? With these 5 tips, you're guaranteed to succeed!

With these 5 tips you can easily learn to ride a hoverboard

1. Get on the hoverboard

Getting on the hoverboard is a real challenge, especially at the beginning. It is therefore helpful to hold on to a railing, a wall or a friend when getting on. First, switch the board on so that it balances itself. Now place your stronger foot as far out as possible on the board so that you have a wide stance. This makes it easier to keep your balance.

Now bring the board into a horizontal position with your foot and hold it there. Now you have to pull your second foot onto the board. The challenge is to keep the board horizontal the whole time. As soon as you are standing safely on your hoverboard, try to hold this position for a while.

2. Driving forward and backward with the hoverboard

You control your hoverboard just by shifting your weight. If you lean forward slightly, the board starts to move forward. To brake, shift your weight back to the middle or even slightly backward.

By leaning backwards, the hoverboard moves backwards. To brake in this direction, lean forward slightly again until the board comes to a stop.

Practice moving your hoverboard forward and backward until you feel confident.

3. Driving around corners

Steering on the hoverboard also works by shifting your weight. Unlike when accelerating, however, you only shift your weight slightly forward on one foot at a time. If you increase the pressure on your right foot, you turn left. If you shift your weight to your left foot, you turn right.

4. Turning on the spot

Like a curve, you can also turn on the spot. To do this, you put weight on both feet in opposite directions:

  • If you place weight on your right foot forward and your left foot backward, you will turn to the right on the spot.
  • If you put the opposite pressure on your feet, you turn to the left.

5. Getting off the hoverboard

To get off, you need to bring the hoverboard to a stop and balance it. Then you can get off by first putting your weaker foot back on the ground and then stepping off with your strong foot. Always step off backwards.

Do you have any questions about hoverboards or do you need a tip on how to ride them? Then just contact our service staff. They will be happy to help you.

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