Returns and exchanges

Can I return items that I don't like?

If the delivered item does not meet your requirements, you can return it to us within 30 days of receiving the delivery. Once we have received and inspected the return, we will refund your money.

Send back the article

The following items will not be returned or exchanged:

  • Used, defective and damaged items.
  • Items that are no longer in their original packaging.
  • Incomplete items (missing components and packaging, etc.)
  • Discounted items and items from the SALE category
How do I get my money back?
  • Credits will be refunded to you in the same way you paid for the purchase.
  • If you have ordered by invoice, we ask you to wait for the new invoice.
  • Shipping costs will not be reimbursed for returns and exchanges.

Shipping costs for returning items are borne by the customer.