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Pumptrack in Switzerland – Discover now!

Pumptrack in Switzerland – Discover now!

If you are really skilled with your skateboard, scooter or bike, you can use the nature of the track to your advantage. Even small bumps, curves and inclines can help you accelerate without pushing or pedaling. If you are a pro at "pumping", it will look as if you are moving all by yourself.

What are pump tracks?

Pump tracks can now be found all over Switzerland. The circuits are characterized by various waves, steep curves and obstacles such as see-saws or bridges that have to be overcome. Originally they were only intended for BMX riders and were therefore made of earth. Modern pump tracks also take scooters, skateboards and inline skates into account. They therefore have a track made of plastic, wood, asphalt or concrete.

The purpose of a pump track is to practice special acceleration using bumps in the ground. Since there are no spectacular tricks planned and the route is clearly defined, pump tracks are generally safer than skate parks or pure BMX tracks. We have put together a pump track list for you that is suitable for the whole family.

Once you get a taste for it, it will be hard to get away from it.

How do you move around on a pump track?

The "pump", from which the pump track gets its name, is a dynamic movement that is converted into forward acceleration energy by the nature of the ground. You can imagine it as being similar to a swing. If you are not pushed, you have to gain momentum with your legs and upper body. The result is only minimally visible at first, but after a while the many small movements add up and you are thrown far forwards and backwards.

Ideally, the waves of a pump track are arranged in such a way that you can get the best possible acceleration from your movements. Depending on your body size, smaller or larger hills are better. On average, a height of 40 cm is used.

It is also possible to use serpentine movements to move around. Skateboarders are familiar with this, but cyclists need a little getting used to it at first.

protective gear

We recommend that you wear a helmet and knee and elbow pads. The risk of falls is relatively low, but you should ride carefully, especially when it's busy. Be sure to warm up a little to get your joints moving.

Here is a pump track list we have compiled for Switzerland:

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