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Which helmet for cycling, scootering, skating?

Which helmet for cycling, scootering, skating?

It is obvious that helmets can protect against serious head injuries. But that is not the only advantage.

A helmet offers:

  • Protection against injuries
  • Protection from sun and rain
  • greater visibility in road traffic
  • Mounting option for camera and lamp

Compared to the advantages, the impact on comfort seems insignificant. However, to enjoy your helmet, you need to choose the right helmet for your needs. There are two main criteria for choosing the right helmet:

  • the right size
  • the optimal protection specifically for your application

How a helmet can provide optimal protection

A large selection is important if you want to buy a bicycle helmet, skater helmet or scooter helmet online. After all, head protection can only help if you wear it. And you only wear it if it fits properly and looks good on you.

Different helmet brands focus on very different target groups. This ranges from colorful, playful children's helmets to edgy skater helmets.

In any case, you can be sure that you are getting certified quality. In addition to choosing the right size, be sure to pay attention to the manufacturer's instructions on when a helmet can provide optimal protection. After a heavy impact and after the specified period (approx. 5 years), it should be checked by a specialist or, even better, replaced immediately.

Your helmet must fit securely, but not too tightly. Only if it fits snugly to the shape of your head can it absorb shocks and prevent serious head injuries.

Finding the right helmet size

The easiest way to find the optimal size for your head is to use a tape measure. Most helmet brands offer models that you can adjust individually . This is done using padding inside the helmet and straps that can be closed or adjusted at the back of the head and under the lower jaw.

A helmet that is the right size leaves your ears free and allows you to see without any restrictions. It should fit well so that you don't feel any pressure points, even after wearing it for a long time.

Finding the right helmet: weight, shape and function

The shape of a helmet is usually determined by secondary requirements: a bicycle helmet should be particularly aerodynamic, while a helmet for water sports should be able to dry quickly. Most people prefer lightweight helmets that don't put pressure on the neck. A little more weight can be quite calming, however. Choose what you like! Above all: choose quality when buying a helmet ! The price is usually reflected in the comfort. In the long run, it pays off.

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