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Benefits of urban micro-mobility

Benefits of urban micro-mobility

Classic kick scooters, kick scooters or scooters have been experiencing a renaissance as scooters for several years. For good reasons! These small means of transport for the city, powered by muscle power or an electric motor, offer a number of advantages:

  • inexpensive to purchase
  • minimal adjustment period
  • agile and light
  • versatile for mobility and sports
  • with clearly regulated traffic regulations

The scooter: the means of transport for individualists

A scooter can take you almost anywhere you can go on foot - only faster. Apart from stairs and difficult terrain, your scooter will be with you through thick and thin: out of your apartment, over to the bus stop, folded up on the bus to your stop, then across the pedestrian zone and (when the boss isn't looking) to your office.

When folded, your scooter can be stored under any desk. Unlike with a bicycle, you don't have to worry about securing it against theft with a lock and chain.

Flexible travel with the scooter

With a scooter, you can choose from all route options to get to your destination as quickly and relaxed as possible. The scooter can show its full strength where other means of transport cannot reach. You can use your scooter on footpaths and are considered a pedestrian in traffic regulations.

Stay moving with the scooter

You probably have a job where you sit around a lot. Every minute you spend moving is good for your body. Using a scooter will get your circulation going and you can also do something for your brain. To avoid getting bored, you can practice pushing with the other leg from time to time.

Safe, social, clean: Scooters!

On a scooter, you always have the opportunity to talk to other people, pop into a shop or arrange to meet up spontaneously. Order a suitable helmet online and you're ready to go. For those who are in a hurry or have to bridge strenuous height differences, there are Electric Scooters with electric motor and battery. Simply charge it and off you go! The handle usually offers enough space to attach a cell phone holder. This means that your personal navigation system and information center can always be available to you at a glance, even on the scooter.

Back to the roots!

Let's be honest: we're all still a little bit of a kid. That's why the number one advantage of a scooter for us is the sheer joy of flying through the city on it. What could be better than feeling the wind in your face and the pavement beneath the wheels?

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